Outdoor Lighting:

How to choose the right bollard

Outdoor Lighting: 
How to choose the right bollard

Garden light posts come in various options to meet every outdoor lighting need. Among the most popular choices, LED bollards stand out for their energy efficiency and long lifetime, ideal for reducing management costs and environmental impact. These devices not only improve nighttime visibility but also help create a welcoming and safe atmosphere.


The choice of bollards, or light posts, for illuminating gardens and walkways depends on various factors such as the garden's style and functional needs.

Design and materials


For a modern style combined with durability, contemporary stainless steel light posts are an excellent choice. Stainless steel not only offers durability against weather conditions, but also provides a contemporary elegance that fits well into any architectural context. These weather-resistant bollards ensure reliable performance even in adverse weather conditions, making them ideal for public parks and gardens.

When selecting a bollard, it is also important to consider a modern design that harmonizes with the surrounding environment. For this, HCT finishes provide a surface that chromatically adapts to the context while offering additional protection against weather elements.


Bollards are not just light sources; they can also be designed with advanced features to further enhance their functionality and efficiency.


Certain design advancements have led to the market introduction of bollards with anti-glare diffusers. These are ideal for preventing glare and providing uniform light distribution, perfect for illuminating pedestrian paths and residential areas.

Focus on consumption


Modern low-consumption LED bollards offer excellent energy efficiency today, reducing management costs and environmental impact.


How to choose the height of a bollard


The height of a bollard significantly affects the light distribution and its practical applications. Here is how the height of bollards can influence various aspects of lighting:


1. Coverage Area

Low bollards (up to 50 cm) are ideal for illuminating paths and walkways, providing focused and localized light. The coverage area is limited, so low bollards are often used in series to create a continuous effect along a path.

Medium bollards (50-100 cm) offer a wider light coverage than low bollards, spreading light over a larger area. They are suitable for illuminating larger spaces like courtyards and gardens.

High bollards (over 100 cm) can illuminate much larger areas, making them suitable for parking lots, squares, and large open spaces. The elevated height allows light to spread evenly over a wide surface.


2. Light intensity and orientation

Low bollards tend to project light directly downward, creating localized illumination and reducing glare. This makes them ideal for marking paths and specific points.

Medium bollards offer a good combination of direct and diffused lighting, useful for illuminating moderately sized areas without creating sharp shadows.

High bollards provide more diffused and less intense light at ground level, which can be useful for general illumination of large areas without causing glare.


3. Safety and Visibility

Low bollards enhance path visibility without dazzling passersby. They are particularly useful for marking walkway edges and increasing pedestrian safety.

Medium bollards provide good general visibility and are tall enough to avoid being covered by low vegetation, enhancing both safety and aesthetics.

High bollards offer wide and diffused lighting that increases the overall visibility of the area, contributing to a safe environment without creating overly intense light points.


4. Aesthetics and landscape design

Low bollards, discreet and minimal, integrate easily into the landscape without dominating the scene. Ideal for gardens or spaces with low vegetation.

Medium bollards provide a visual balance between height and lighting, helping to define spaces without being too invasive.

High bollards can serve as design elements, becoming focal points in the landscape. Strategically used, they can define garden architecture and guide visual flow.

Outdoor LED bollards: installation and maintenance tips


Proper installation of outdoor bollards ensures optimal operation and a long-lasting lighting system. It is advisable to follow the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure the stability and safety of the bollards. Although stainless steel requires less maintenance, thus reducing costs and the use of chemicals, regular maintenance of garden bollards is necessary to maintain light performance and durability over time.


Read also: Stainless steel - everything you need to know

Professional use of bollards


For more complex and specific projects, such as lighting public areas or landscape lighting projects, it is essential to involve expert professionals in outdoor lighting design. Designing outdoor lighting requires a thorough assessment of the client's needs, site characteristics, and the most suitable lighting solutions to enhance the safety and visual appeal of outdoor spaces.


Contact us for a tailored lighting consultation

Choosing the right bollards for outdoor lighting can make a significant difference in the appearance and functionality of your outdoor spaces. With a wide range of options to choose from, including advanced features like low-consumption LEDs, modern designs, and robust materials like stainless steel, you can create a safe, inviting, and sustainable outdoor environment. Investing in high-quality bollards not only enhances user experience but also represents a step toward more efficient resource use and reduced environmental impact.