asked questions

Commercial inquiries

I'm a consumer, can I buy your products directly?

Contact us and we'll direct you to your nearest dealer.

Where can I buy your products?

Contact us to find the closest store in your area.

I can't find my local agency

See the "contacts" section of our website. If you still do not find it, contact us at or at +39 030 2015103

Technical inquiries

I can't download item photometric curves

From desktop, right-click on "photometric curve" and select "save link as" from the options

From mobile, hold down on "photometric curve" and select the "download link" option

How can I clean stainless steel?

Visit the "product care" section of our website.

I can't find the assembly instructions of a product, how can I request them?

Email or call +39 030 2015112

How many years are your products guaranteed for?

The material is guaranteed for 10 years against corrosion-through and 2 years extendable to 5 years for the electrical parts. For further information see the "Terms & Conditions" section on our website.

Can I use the DALI system on your products?

Yes. For details email